February 23, 2018
It’s getting closer! With two days left before I hit the trail, things are definitely getting real. The excitement is mounting, my checklist of to-do items has dwindled to just a few. Sometimes I feel like I have to pinch myself that it is really happening!
Yesterday I spent time organizing food for my first 4 days. I’m grouping everything by days in gallon ziplock bags marked by day number. It keeps things organized and I think it will help to dissuade me from eating it forward. In my head, “eating it forward” is a descriptor for when I eat too much food one day and don’t have enough the next, so then I keep kicking the hunger can down the road in hopes of making it to resupply earlier. I guess it’s kind of like “paying it forward,” except that’s about spreading good karma and eating it forward is about gluttony and lack of self control. Anyway, like I said, it works in my head. So, as you can see from the photo I’m going to be getting up close and personal with a lot of tuna and cliff bars. Good stuff. I also had a few Mountain House ready-to-eat meals laying around (chili mac is the best!), so I’ll be a tad on the gourmet side the first week. Yum! After that, it will be a lot more of the dollar Knorr rice sides for me. I like rice a lot and I’m not a particularly finicky eater, so those will work well for me. My food bag feels so heavy…. I am debating whether to bring a little extra since I have it and just carry the weight, or just leave it since my first resupply at Neels Gap is not far away. I’ll decide tomorrow….
As part of my weight decisions today, I swapped out a balaclava and handkerchief for a buff. The buff is lighter and can substitute for both, so I’m excited about that. If you did view my gear video, I made that prior to the swap so it is not completely current.
It was very warm again today. I did some more yard work and it was wonderful just listening to the birds sing. There is something so cheerful about birdsong.
Everyone has been so kind about this trip. I really appreciate the comments and support in my guest log! You all are awesome! I said goodbye to some friends today, and everyone was full of encouragement and excitement for me. I’m so lucky to have such nice people in my life!
Monday will be here soon and the adventure will begin! I’m glad I still have two days to spend with my wife, as I will miss her dearly. And Lucy the cat of course 🙂