Day 61: June 23, 2019
Destination: Leadville, CO
Today’s Miles: 0
Start Location: Leadville, CO
Trip Miles: 971.8
Today I made a decision. I booked a bus ticket for Thursday from Frisco to Rawlins, WY.
I’ll hike to Frisco over the next couple of days, which only involves one really high pass. I’ll hitch from Rawlins to Lander, just before the Wind River Range. From Lander I’ll hike south and then finish Colorado and flip back to Lander to finish the hike moving north. It wasn’t that hard to make the decision as I stare at snow falling outside.
A fellow hiker, Hawaii, is going to join me tomorrow to team up for Kokomo Pass (the high piece over 12,000 feet). I’m thrilled to have a hiking buddy for a couple of days! Apparently she had a scary fall coming into Leadville on one of the passes I avoided by taking the bike route. So, tomorrow morning I will mail some things to Wyoming at the post office, and mail my snowshoes home! I’ll keep my ice axe and spikes, but I’m tired of carrying the weight of my snowshoes, and other hikers are already getting by without them.

I feel good about this choice. I can connect all my footsteps and, hopefully, when I get back down to Colorado in a few weeks the snow will be significantly less. I’m sure there will still be snow….

I ate a lot today! I got myself organized as the logistics for this were a little messy. I’m ready to hike tomorrow!